Which Way to Die from the Vax?

Well, it looks like there will be mass death from the vaccines but maybe we will be lucky and there will only be mass sterilization?  I am just joking, I am sure everything is going to be fine.  Governments the have lied over and over again, have engaged in the largest censorship campaign in human history and have suppressed life saving drugs like Ivermectin because “they” truly care about your welfare.  Obviously  I am joking, things are not fine, but hey, who said life was going to be easy?

What is interesting is that there seems to be at least three mechanisms that people will die from these vaccines.  Autoimmune enhancement, blood clotting, and graphene oxide poisoning.  Now, we have to admit, this seems to be a contradiction or at least strange.  Why would there be all these different opinions on what the death mechanism would be?   Here on Human Trap we try to be as honest as possible.  These vaccines are likely very deadly but why don’t the good guys seem to know exactly what is going on yet?  It should be easy to find out.  Acquire a bunch of vaccines and run a animal trial with rats.  Would that not be easy to do?  Maybe vaccine companies would not allow extra distribution but one think there would be a way to acquire the needed doses?

The masses obviously love this vaccine.  The masses pretty much love anything the government tells them to love because apparently through mass water fluoridation people can no longer use their pineal gland to communicate with their own soul and thus are just walking husks of flesh.  I am not really sure if that is true (well, the calcifying of the pineal gland part is definitely true) but it seems like as good as an explanation as anything else right now.  And you heard from the Human Trap first.


So in the end I suppose the big question is what is going to cause the megadeaths?   Time will tell.

Death by autoimmune enhancement?

Death by Blood Clots?

Death by graphene oxide poisoning?

Bill Gates Worships Demons


“…if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we can lower that [global population] perhaps by ten or fifteen percent.” Bill Gates



Bill Gates worships demons.  He cavorts with demons.  He is obsessed with bringing Satan himself on this earth.  Now some readers might be thinking that this is just hyperbole.  It is absolutely not. There are absolutely no words to describe how evil he is.  He has a heart of absolute darkness and his only dream is to “cull the herd”.  A real sicko.  He may talk like a gay hipster but he loves the taste of human blood.  Don’t forget it.   His vaccines in Africa have sterilized untold numbers of women and have caused polio in India.  His vaccines just never seem to work right and people just seem to get life altering injuries.  But don’t worry citizen.  It is different this time.  His shot is safe.  Just smile and take it.  I SAY NO.  Bill you go back to the Gates of Hell where you belong! Odin and his heavenly hosts will cast you down into the abyss!


There has been one man, one man that stands heads and shoulders above the rest.  One man that everyone said was crazy.  One man that everyone mocked as nuts with half baked theories of a New World Order.  It turns out that that man has been has been right and the world has been wrong.  A modern day Grandmaster Witch Hunter.  A Paladin leading the forces of light.  A General in the greatest battle that humanity has ever endured while most are blissfully asleep.  This man is of course Alex Jones.  He has stood on top of the battlements keeping watch while the rest of humanity has slumbered, waiting for us to wake and wake we must.  Battle is at hand.  Bill Gates wants to put the Mark of the Beast on every human.  His new patent number for his chip is 060606. It shall be inserted under the skin of every human on this earth.  Bill has forgotten one thing.  He has talked to so many demons, he forgets the forces of light are ready to wage this battle as well, and they have been making their preparations too.    I also know that the Gods and the Valkyries are with Alex Jones.  May he lead us to victory!




A Planned Epidemic

“Every intelligence service of America and Europe … now know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the CIA and the Mossad”

Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga on 9/11


“It’s 30 year conspiracy” Senator Bob Kerry of Nebraska

“I am talking about 9/11”  Citizen Reporter

“That is what I am talking about”  Bob Kerry


Just like 9/11, The Corona Hoax is a massive psychological operation.  Like all such operations, it is planned years in advance.  This Hoax is not the virus itself, there does seem to be an actual virus, though it is much more mild than the government and media claim.  The hoax is that the government needs to destroy our economy, violate people’s civil rights, and force vaccinate the entire population against their will.  Operation Dark Winter in June 2001 was a mock biowarfare attack on the United States conducted by John Hopkins University and and Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).  In October of last year John Hopkins University and the diabolical Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation conducted Event 201.  From their own website:

“The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.”

Right on schedule this year the “Plandemic” that Bill Gates has been predicting for so long has come to fruition.




The Corona Virus Hoax


Before this virus happened, I was wondering when the next attack on liberty and human freedom was to come.  Because it was sure to come.  September 11th was the first great power grab in the 21st century and we have been on the road to tyranny since long before that.  The Patriot Act was written before the events of September 11th ever happened.  At the time it was considered the most totalitarian bill to ever pass congress.  The American left, having some actual backbone at the time, stood up and railed against this bill for the eight years that Bush was in power.  After Barack Obama took power, the left completely forgot about caring for civil liberties or the warfare state. Then the right took power. Trump promised keep America out of war on the campaign trail but has surrounded himself by neocons who have tried to get us into three different wars and have failed (also proving these people are not all powerful and can be fought).  The point is not to take sides or get political, it is just the opposite.  Politics itself is a TRAP!  People always let “their side” get away with all kinds of crimes and always call out the other side.  Voters identify with “their guy” and always turn a blind eye to the lies and failures on their own side.  Democracy itself is a weapon against the people as the ruling class gains more and more power while the people become more divided, poorer and less free.  Politics is the great hope and the great lie of America.  Everyone thinks that if we just get the right person in things will be alright.  All the while, the Federal Reserve keeps printing trillions (enriching billionaires and impoverishing the bottom 95%) and the wars continue without end.  I think people are so conditioned to this reality they forget how strange this reality is.  We were founded as a republic with an aversion to a standing army.  After WWII, America was placed on a permanent warfare footing and on the path to empire but America had to end its wars after a reasonable amount of time after they were started. After September 11th there are no ends to the wars.  They always acted like they were going to end but now it has become apparent that the U.S. government has not intention of ending any of them and today hardly anyone objects.  Troops are still in Iraq (against the wishes of the Iraqi congress that we installed) and Afghanistan.  Wars have spread to neighboring countries and new wars are being attempted in the region and other parts of the world.  Even more evil, we have become a country the assassinates its enemies in the night, even when they are on a mission of peace.  Americans just accept this because of “The War on Terror”, a lie of evil genius.  A war on a tactic cannot end because there is no country that can be defeated and there is always a new terrorist, likely imagined, that needs to be fought.  Now we are in a new war, a war against a virus, an even more elusive of an enemy.  And to fight this war your government needs even more power.  The power to shut down businesses and even the entire economy, the power to keep people at home against their will, and eventually the power to force vaccinate the entire population.   And like all wars, once power is ceded to the state, it never fully returns.  The molders and shapers of society have always used crisis to move us closer to a more totalitarian future.  In the past it has been wars and economic crisis that the government has tricked people to cede their liberty.  Today, they are using a new weapon, the invisible virus.  A virus, an enemy that can’t be seen, heard, or touched and can only be tested with government test kits of questionable reliability.  How perfect.


All this being said, there are many heroes fighting this evil control system and many people have fought it for a long time. We are now in this fight and if you are reading this, you are in this fight whether you know it yet or not.  Maybe now is a time to breathe, and reflect.  We may be in dire straights but humanity has been in dire straights before and it is true that it is often darkest before the dawn.  I look forward to that dawn and the new humanity that will rise forth.  The world that we will be able to create will almost be unimaginable compared to our world now.  Another goal of this site is to write on how we get there and what it might like.  The discoveries in science, medicine, and spiritual knowledge will make this century look the darkest of dark ages.  When people read a true history of the 20th and 21st centuries in the future, they won’t believe it.  I have been studying the truth for years and I barely believe it myself.  Good luck and stay out of the trap!

Human Trap Reboot

What started as a long forgotten podcast we are rebooting as a blog and podcast.  Blog first because right now with the Coronavirus we need to get information out as soon as possible.  Right now it is just me, Luke Jensen, but maybe we will get some guest bloggers and guest podcasters down the road.  Now it is too important to wait.  Humanity is on the brink.  The Coronavirus hoax is one of greatest frauds ever perpetrated in human history.  The human misery that this hoax is going to cause is going to be almost incalculable and we are just in the beginning.  As of right now, 5-18-2020, much has already happened and we might have to go over some old news but there is so much important information out there I don’t want people to miss. Also the Virus Hoax is one in a long chain of government criminality and certain past crimes must be exposed to put this present “conspiracy” into context.  I never wanted to distrust my government. I wanted to live a normal American life but the people in power absolute refuse to let that happen.  Millions more are going to wake up to this fact one way or another.  I want to try to stick with the original mission of this website, that is why I kept up in the about page, to approach these topics with a humorous outlook.  To be honest, I think this is the only way that a person can stay sane in my humble opinion.  We will also try to look at solutions and look with courage to a brighter future when humanity overcomes this dark age.  Here at the Human Trap, we want to be part of the fight.  I want to be part of the fight.  Hopefully this will be my contribution for a better world.